
Art Commission

Welcome to my art gallery where you can choose commission list.Feel free to contact me via email or any social media DM

Spirit Town NFT Commission
0.05 ETH

Order commission as an NFT in the SPIRIT TOWN collection on Opensea mainnetThere will be new collection for commission art- yokai power
- weapon or item
- simple background
- short brief story of the character

Chibi commission
$50 (Non-NFT)

What you will get
1 Character
High resolution JPEG
300 DPI (Printable art)
Simple background
+1 character $30
Complex background $20

Flower character

What you will get
1 Character
High resolution JPEG
300 DPI (Printable art)
Flower decoration
Simple background color
This style focus on character's hair flow and the flowersDetail to inform
- Hair colors
- Type of flowers
- Photo reference

Bust-up character

What you will get
1 Character
High resolution JPEG
300 DPI (Printable art)
Simple background
Complex background $20

Japanese vintage style

What you will get
1 Character
Items or element that you wish
High resolution JPEG
300 DPI (Printable art)
Flower decoration
Simple background color
This style focus on ink lining and Japanese patternsDetail to inform
- Animal or element
- Type of flowers
- Photo reference

Commercial price

All commercial purpose will have additional fee +$50The Copyright remain with me the artist. You may not claim the art as your own

Payment upfront via Kofi (Buy me a coffee) which available in both PayPal and Stripe